Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the main focus of this social networking app?

The main focus of this social networking app is to connect people who have similar or the same style pets. The app can connect people who have rabbits, snakes, parrots, and other animals classified under mammals, reptiles, and birds.

Q: Can people with dogs and cats use this app too?

Yes, people with dogs and cats can use this app, but the focus is on connecting people with differential animal species.

Q: Is anonymous chatting available on this app?

Yes, the app offers anonymous chatting that disappears after a set time period, similar to the Snapchat effect. If people choose to share their personal information, they can, but that’s up to them.

Q: What information can users add to their profiles?

Users can add information about themselves and their pets, including a profile picture of either their pet or themselves or both. The app suggests starting with a bio, location, “pet story,” age, and sex, followed by what they are looking for in terms of a relationship, friendship, pet buddy, travel buddy (animal holiday partner), or casual.

Q: Can users suggest meet-up points close to both people?

Yes, users can suggest meet-up points close to both people, such as pet-friendly restaurants or parks. If it’s not feasible to take a pet to the meet-up, users can also suggest other activities like hiking, running, biking, or walking.

Q: What kind of user experience can users expect when using the app?

Users can choose between the “swipe” effect or “scroll” through the connections they make with others. They can also add the data that they would like to their profile and connect with people who have similar pets or interests.